Installing Additional Nodes in an Existing Cluster for a Deployment Installation

Install Unwired Server on second and subsequent 64-bit server nodes of an existing Unwired Platform cluster. Do this after installing the data tier on its own host and Unwired Server on the first server node.


Going through the task flow in Deployment (Production) Edition Workflows, you should have performed these tasks:


The deployment edition of Unwired Platform can only be installed on 64-bit Windows systems. This is necessary to provide optimal performance for a production system. When you run the deployment installer on a 32-bit system, only Afaria is available for installation.


If you run the Deployment Edition installer again on a machine where you have already installed Unwired Platform version 1.5.2, the installer detects the existing installation and takes you to the component selection page as soon as you have accepted the end user licensing agreement. Resume with step 12 in Performing a Custom Installation of Deployment Edition.

  1. Start the Sybase Unwired Platform installer using one of these methods:
    • Insert the Sybase Unwired Platform installation media.
    • Install from a Web download. Extract the four archives to the same temporary directory on a local disk, not a shared drive.
    • Install from an image on the network. You must access the installation image from a mapped drive, not a UNC path.
    1. If installing from installation media, select Start > Run.
    2. Browse to the location of the setup.exe file on the installation media or in the temporary directory, and click OK.
  2. On the installer welcome page, click Next.
  3. On the license type page, select your license type and click Next.
    Option Description
    Evaluation Allows you to evaluate Unwired Platform for 30 days. A license file is not required.
    Unserved (local) license A standalone license managed locally by your workstation. Be sure you know the location of the license file.
    Served (remote) license A standalone license managed by a license server. Be sure you know your license manager host name and TCP port.
  4. On the end-user license agreement page, accept the terms of the license agreement.
    1. Select the appropriate geographic location and read the license agreement.
    2. Click I Do Agree to the Terms of the Sybase License, for the Install Location Specified, then click Next.
  5. On the license details page, select or enter the information for your product license. See Locating Information in a License File.
    Field Valid values
    License product edition

    • ED: Enterprise Developer Edition
    • EE: Enterprise Deployment Edition (available only with Deployment Edition)
    • PD: Personal Developer Edition
    License type

    If you selected ED for license product edition, license type must be DT: Development and Test License.

    If you selected EE for license product edition, license type can be one of:

    • CP: CPU License
    • AC: OEM version of CPU License
    • DT: Development and Test License

    If you selected PD for license product edition, license type must be SS: Standalone Seat License.

    Number of licenses

    If you selected EE for license product edition, enter the number of client licenses here.

    If you did not select EE for license product edition, leave this field blank.

    Note: If you enter a combination of values on this page that does not match your license file, the error is not detected until the installer attempts to check out your license on the next page.
  6. Enter your license information.

    If you selected "Unserved (local) license" as the license type, on the unserved license file page enter the full path to the license file. Click Browse to browse to the file location.

    If you selected "Served (remote) license" as the license type, on the SySAM license manager server page enter the Host Name of License Server and, optionally, change the TCP Port of License Server entry.

    If you see a Failed to check out license error, and you think you may have entered license settings that do not match your license, click OK, then click Back to reenter the license settings.

  7. On the installation directory page, accept the default installation directory or choose a different one.
    • If the directory does not exist, click OK to create it.
    • For best results, use English or Western European characters (cp1252/ISO-8859-1) for the installation directory path and directory names.
    • You can use the underscore or hyphen character, but do not use symbols or spaces in the installation directory name.
    Note: The directory path where Sybase Control Center is installed varies. If the SYBASE environment variable is defined and valid, Sybase Control Center installs in the directory path specified by the variable. Otherwise, Sybase Control Center installs in a sibling directory to the installation directory specified here. For example, if the installation directory is C:\Sybase\UnwiredPlatform, Sybase Control Center installs into C:\Sybase\SCC-3_0.
  8. On the installation type page, select Cluster and click Next.
  9. On the cluster setup selection page, select Install an additional server node and connect it to the data tier and click Next.
  10. A page that says, "One or more required components (prerequisites) are not installed on the system," indicates that the installer has detected missing third-party software.
    • Next to have the installer install the required software.
    • Back to select components to install that do not require the third party software.
    • Cancel to cancel the current installation.
  11. (Optional) Select additional installation options. The available options on the additional installation options page depend on the selections you made on the component selection page; you may not see all of the options listed below. Choose:
    • Configure Unwired Platform communication ports to change default port numbers.
    • Set Unwired Platform services to start automatically to start Unwired Platform services automatically when Windows starts. If Unwired Platform services are not set to start automatically, you must manually start these services from the Windows Start menu.
      Note: Set Unwired Platform services to start automatically if you plan to install products that work with Unwired Platform, such as Sybase SAP® DOE Connector and Sybase Mobile Sales for SAP® CRM. If Unwired Platform services do not start automatically, these product installations will encounter problems.
    • Use Unwired Platform with an existing JDK Installation to indicate the fully qualified path to an existing JDK installation directory. Sybase Unwired Platform requires JDK 1.6.0_16.
      Note: On 64-bit systems, specify the fully qualified path to an existing 32-bit JDK installation.
  12. On the cluster configuration information page, enter the information necessary to access the data tier in a cluster.
    Option Description

    Cluster Configuration Password

    Enter the password used by the cluster administrator to configure the cluster.

    Confirm Cluster Configuration Password

    Reenter the cluster configuration password.

    UNC path to shared data folder

    Note: This field appears only when you are installing Unwired Server without the data tier

    Universal naming convention path to the shared data folder. This folder must already exist, with the data tier installed and be shared to your network with write privileges.

    If the data tier is installed in the default installation directory on its host, the local path would be C:\Sybase\UnwiredPlatform\Data. You would share this directory to your network.

    If you share this directory with the name Data, and the computer where you are installing is named myserver, the UNC path would be \\myserver\Data.

  13. On the Windows account page, enter the information for the Windows account under which Sybase Unwired Platform will run.
    Note: The user should be a domain user. If you are installing in a cluster, enter the exact same information on this page as you install on each node. A local account can also be used in installing in a cluster, as long as that account has read/write access to the shared data folder on the data tier machine.
    Option Description

    Windows Account Name

    Use the form, <Windows_domain>\<login_id> or <login_id>, for example, sybase\jdoe, or jdoe. Domain name is optional.

    The account must exist on the local machine and have administrator privileges.

    Windows Account Password

    Enter the password for the account.

    Confirm Windows Account Password

    Reenter the password for the account.

  14. On the information for the data tier page, enter the same information you indicated when installing the first node.
    Option Description
    SQL Anywhere 11.0.1 database
    Host Name

    The name of the machine on which the database server is running. Enter this name with capitalization exactly as it is defined in the Windows network environment.

    Port Number Port number that the database server uses on the host machine.

    The account login for database administrator for the data tier.

    Warning!  Do not change the "dba" default unless you have changed the database administrator account.

    The account password for the database administrator for the data tier.

    Warning!  Enter the "sql" default password, unless you have changed the password for the database administrator account.
    Consolidated database
    Database Name

    The SQL Anywhere database name for the consolidated database.

    Warning!  Do not change the default name, unless you have changed the database name after you installed the data tier, or you are using a SQL Anywhere installation where this database has a different name.
    Cluster database
    Database Name

    The SQL Anywhere database name for the cluster database.

    Warning!  Do not change the default name, unless you have changed the database name after you installed the data tier, or you are using a SQL Anywhere installation where this database has a different name.
  15. (Optional) If you selected "Configure Unwired Platform communication ports" on the additional installation options page, you can change port numbers as required, on the port numbers for Unwired Server page.
    Option Description

    Server Administration

    Standard Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) port used by Eclipse and Sybase Control Center to connect to Unwired Server for deployment and administration tasks. The default is 2000.

    To change the port number after installation, use Sybase Control Center (administration console).

    Data Change Notification

    HTTP port used for data change notification (DCN). The default is 8000.



    The port used for messaging clients to communicate with Unwired Server's messaging server, to synchronizes data between the enterprise information system and messaging-based mobile devices. The default is 5001.


    Port number on which Unwired Server synchronizes data between the enterprise information system and replication-based mobile devices. The default is 2480.

  16. On the summary information page, verify the installation features and click Install.
  17. (Optional) Click View Release Bulletin.
  18. Click Finish.