Table data scope

When running DML commands in multiplex, the visibility of the table rows differs for different table types. There are three types of row visibility in multiplex:

Table 3-1 describes the scope pertaining to different table types:

Table 3-1: Multiplex table data scope

Table type

Data scope

IQ base


IQ temporary


Global temporary table


SA catalog (table created IN SYSTEM)


SA temporary (table created IN SYSTEM)


Sybase IQ copies data in SA catalog tables on the coordinator node to the secondary node catalog store whenever a secondary node is synchronized. The data in catalog store tables is otherwise not related between secondary server and coordinator server instances. After synchronization, local SA table data on the secondary server is lost, because table data from the coordinator overwrites it.

NoteBecause CIS proxy tables point to data on remote servers, the data scope is external. Data management for such tables is done by the remote server.