Monitoring performance statistics

The Performance Monitor displays a collection of statistics for one or more participating nodes. Statistics display in a dynamic chart in real time.

The performance monitor can be accessed at two different levels:

StepsMonitoring performance at the multiplex level

  1. Click the multiplex name in the Sybase Central tree view, and switch to the Performance Monitor tab.

StepsMonitoring performance at the server level

  1. Click the server name in the Sybase Central tree view, and switch to the Performance Monitor tab.

You can change the type or contents of the performance monitor graphs.

StepsConfiguring data collection rates

The Configure Collection Rates dialog is only available for the server-level performance monitor. This dialog changes the rates at which statistics are collected. When the performance monitor displays, a multi-threaded data collection engine collects monitored statistics at two different rates, based on expensiveness of the statistics. Less-expensive statistics are collected more frequently, while more-expensive statistics are collected less frequently.

  1. Click the server name in the Sybase Central tree view, and switch to the Performance Monitor tab.

  2. Right-click the chart area.

  3. Select Configure Collection Rates.

  4. Select the rates in seconds for statistics collection.

  5. To reduce the impact on server performance, increase the rate values so that statistics are collected less frequently.

  6. Click OK to save change.

StepsChanging statistics to monitor

This dialog behaves differently for server-level monitoring and multiplex-level monitoring:

  1. Click the multiplex and switch to the Performance Monitor tab.

  2. In the Performance Monitor tab, right-click the chart area.

  3. Select Change Statistics.

  4. Choose statistics to monitor. “Monitoring performance statistics” lists all available statistics, in case you do not want to scroll the display to view them.

  5. To save any changes, click OK.

StepsChanging servers to monitor

The “Change servers to monitor” dialog is only available for the multiplex-level performance monitor.

  1. Click the multiplex and switch to the Performance Monitor tab.

  2. Right-click the Performance Monitor.

  3. Select Change Servers.

  4. Select the check box for each server to monitor. Clear the check box of servers not to be monitored.

  5. To save any changes, click OK.

You can save the graph in the topology view as a .JPEG file.

StepsSaving the chart

You can save the chart as a .JPEG image file.

  1. Right-click the Performance Monitor chart.

  2. From the popup menu, select Save Chart As.

  3. Specify a file name for the .JPEG file.

  4. Click Save.

StepsPrinting the chart

You can print the performance monitor chart.

  1. Right-click the Performance Monitor chart.

  2. From the popup menu, select Print Chart.

  3. Review your print options and print the page to the desired printer.

StepsSwitching chart view

You can choose between time-series, 2-D bar, and 3-D bar chart view.

  1. Right-click the Performance Monitor chart.

  2. From the menu, select Switch Chart View.

  3. Select either Time Series Chart, Bar Chart 2-D Vertical, or Bar Chart 3-D Vertical.

StepsCustomizing the chart

To change chart settings and chart refresh (monitor GUI heartbeat) rate.

  1. Right-click the performance monitor chart area.

  2. Select Customize Chart.

    The Customize Chart dialog has these components:

    • Time Window – Appears only if the chart is a Time Series chart. Specify the period of time during which the data is displayed. The minimum value is 1 minute. The maximum value is 240 minutes (4 hours).

    • Chart Refresh Rate – Specify how often the data in the chart is refreshed, in seconds. The value also shows at the bottom of the Performance Monitor panel.

    • Real vs. Normalized Value – Real Value (the default) reflects actual data. Normalized Value scales chart data into a fixed range. This option is for display purposes only, so that statistics with different ranges display better in one chart.

    • Legend – Select to display or hide the legend.

  3. To save any changes, click OK.