Changes the definition of an event or its associated handler for automating predefined actions. Also alters the definition of scheduled actions.


ALTER EVENT event-nameDELETE TYPE | TYPE event-type ]
{    WHEREtrigger-condition | NULL }
    | { ADD | [ MODIFY ] | DELETE } SCHEDULE schedule-spec
[ [ MODIFY ] HANDLER compound-statement | DELETE HANDLER }



ALTER EVENT lets you alter an event definition created with CREATE EVENT. Possible uses include:
  • Change an event handler during development.

  • Define and test an event handler without a trigger condition or schedule during a development phase, and then add the conditions for execution using ALTER EVENT once the event handler is completed.

  • Disable an event handler temporarily by disabling the event.

When you alter an event using ALTER EVENT, specify the event name and, optionally, the schedule name.

List event names by querying the system table SYSEVENT. For example:

SELECT event_id, event_name FROM SYS.SYSEVENT

List schedule names by querying the system table SYSSCHEDULE. For example:

SELECT event_id, sched_name FROM SYS.SYSSCHEDULE

Each event has a unique event ID. Use the event_id columns of SYSEVENT and SYSSCHEDULE to match the event to the associated schedule.

DELETE TYPE clause—Removes an association of the event with an event type.

ADD | MODIFY | DELETE SCHEDULE clause—Changes the definition of a schedule. Only one schedule can be altered in any one ALTER EVENT statement.

WHERE clause—The WHERE NULL option deletes a condition.

For descriptions of most of the parameters, see CREATE EVENT Statement.

See also System Administration Guide: Volume 2 > Automating Tasks Using Schedules and Events.

Side effects:
  • Automatic commit


Must have DBA authority.

Related reference
BEGIN … END Statement