Creates a multiplex server.


Variable declaration:

' host-port list ROLE {  READER |  WRITER  } ] [  STATUS | { 


  • host-port-list: – {[ PRIVATE ] HOST ' hostname ' PORT port number }


  • Example 1 – See Adding Multiplex Servers with Interactive SQL.


Applies to multiplex only.

If you plan to use UNIX soft (symbolic) links for server paths, create the soft link before you run CREATE MULTIPLEX SERVER. When you start the new server, the database file path must match the database file path specified when creating that server.

Choose the name of the multiplex server (server-name) according to the rules for server startup option -n. See “Database server startup” in Chapter 1, “Running the Database Server,” in the Utility Guide.

When creating the initial multiplex server, both coordinator node and secondary node rows are added to SYS.ISYSIQMPXSERVER. The transaction log records this operation as two separate CREATE MULTIPLEX SERVER commands, one for the coordinator node and one for the secondary node.

The SYS.ISYSIQMPXSERVER system table stores the HOST hostname PORT portname pairs in its connection_info string as host:port[;host:port…].

Note: Use multiple host:port pairs if the computer the multiplex server is running on has multiple redundant network cards mapped to different network addresses.

You may specify the clauses DATABASE, host-port list, ROLE and STATUS in any order. The default ROLE is READER. The default STATUS is INCLUDED.

The host-port-list keyword PRIVATE specifies that the particular HOST PORT pair is for private interconnection. A separate private interconnection for multiplex interprocess communication (MIPC) enables highly available and high-performance network configurations.Sybase IQ Sybase IQ automatically opens private ports; you need not list them in the host-port-list used to start the server. All public and private ports require unique port numbers to avoid conflicts.

When you add a server, the coordinator must be running, but you can run the CREATE MULTIPLEX SERVER command from any server in the multiplex.

This statement is automatically committed.


Must have DBA or MULTIPLEX ADMIN authority.