
Specifies the maximum estimated amount of temp space before a query is rejected.

Allowed values

Any integer


0 (no limit)


DBA permissions are not required to set this option. Can be set temporary for an individual connection or for the PUBLIC group. Takes effect immediately.


If Sybase IQ receives a query that is estimated to require a temporary result space larger than value of this option, it rejects the query with this message:

Query rejected because it exceeds total space resource limit

When set to zero (the default), there is no limit on temporary store usage by queries.

Users may override this option in their own environments to run queries that can potentially fill up the entire temporary store. To prevent runaway queries from filling up the temporary store, the DBA can set the option MAX_TEMP_SPACE_PER_CONNECTION. The MAX_TEMP_SPACE_PER_CONNECTION option monitors and limits actual temporary store usage for all DML statements, not just queries.

See also