Error 1279



Message text

SQL Server has run out of locks on engine %d. Re-run your command when there are fewer active users, or contact a user with System Administrator (SA) role to reconfigure maximum engine freelocks or number of locks.


An Adaptive Server engine is a process running an Adaptive Server that communicates with other Adaptive Server processes via shared memory. An Adaptive Server running on a multiprocessor machine can have one or more engines.

Adaptive Server uses two configuration parameters to control lock use:

Adaptive Server maintains a list of Server-wide free locks and a list of per-engine free locks. When locks are needed for an engine, Adaptive Server moves a block of free locks from the Server-wide free lock list to the free lock cache for that engine.

Error 1279 occurs when Adaptive Server runs out of locks on an engine and is unable to move any more locks from the Server-wide free list but there is an another engine with some free locks. (Error 1204 occurs when Adaptive Server completely runs out of locks.) The error message includes the number of the engine that has run out of locks.


Run your command again later when there are fewer active users or increase the number of locks available to the engine. If you want to increase the resources, you can do one of the following:

Additional information

Refer to “Lock management” in the most recent version of Performance and Tuning: Monitoring and Analyzing for information about the Adaptive Server Lock Manager.

Refer to the Reference Manual: Procedures for information about sp_configure and configuration parameters.

Refer to “Memory management: in the most recent version of the Performance and Tuning: Monitoring and Analyzing for information about Adaptive Server memory management.

Versions in which this error is raised

All versions earlier than 12.5