Attempt to locate entry in sysdatabases for database '%.*s' by name failed - no entry found under that name. Make sure that name is entered properly.
This error can be caused by a hardware problem.
This error occurs during a use command when Adaptive Server tries to access a database that is not listed in sysdatabases. For example:
A user tries to access a database not listed in sysdatabases:
1> use <database_name> 2> go
A user tries to connect to Adaptive Server when an invalid database is indicated by the defaultdb column of master..syslogins. The user is connected only to master, or not connected at all, and error 911 occurs.
Obtain a list of all databases in sysdatabases by executing sp_helpdb or the following:
1> select name from master..sysdatabases 2> go
The list returned contains the only valid databases recognized by Adaptive Server and available for use.
Either create the missing database or change the reference to a database from the list created in step 1:
If a user-issued use command created the error, either create a database following regular procedures (refer to the chapter “Creating and Managing User Databases” in System Administration Guide: Volume 2) or change the use command to refer to one of the databases from the list created in step 1.
If the defaultdb option of sp_addlogin refers to an invalid database, the System Administrator (“sa”) or user needs to specify a new, valid, default database. To specify a new default database, choose a database name from the list in step 1 and use the following procedure:
1> sp_modifylogin <user_name>, defdb, <database_name> 2> go
Although you can successfully change your own default database at any time with sp_modifylogin, you can access the database only if the database owner (“dbo”) has added you as a user in the database.
Refer to the Reference Manual: Procedures for information about sp_addlogin and sp_modifylogin.
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