Collection of monitoring data for table '%.*s' requires that the %s configuration option(s) be enabled. To set the necessary configuration, contact a user who has the System Administrator (SA) role.
By default, Adaptive Server does not collect the monitoring information required by the monitoring tables. You must use sp_configure to configure Adaptive Server to start collecting monitoring information (sp_configure enable monitoring). The monitoring configuration parameters that are required display when you enter:
sp_configure Monitoring
When a monitoring table is accessed, Adaptive Server checks to see if the appropriate configuration parameters for that table are enabled. If they are not, Adaptive Server raises error 12036.
A use with the “sa” role must use sp_configure to enable monitoring in Adaptive Server tables and set the appropriate configuration parameters.
If the problem persists, set up a configurable shared memory dump (CSMD), which may be helpful in determining root cause for this error message. See the section “Obtaining a CSMD” in the Troubleshooting and Disaster Recovery guide for instruction in setting up configurable shared memory dump.
Refer to “Adaptive Server configuration options” in the chapter “Monitoring tables,” in Performance and Tuning: Monitoring and Analyzing for more information.
Versions and later