Error 15082



Message text

In versions earlier than 15.0.2:

There are %d OAM entries with zero used/unused page counts. Run DBCC %s FIX on objid %d indid %d.

In version 15.0.2 and later:

There are %d OAM entries with zero used/unused page counts. This is not an error. Run DBCC %s FIX on objid %d indid %d to remove these entries as doing so will improve OAM scan performance.


This is an informative message (not an error) printed while running dbcc checkalloc, dbcc tablealloc, dbcc indexalloc, or dbcc textalloc. If any of these commands find an object allocation map (OAM) page with a zero used or unused count, this message prints for further action to improve the OAM scan performance.


Run dbcc checkalloc, dbcc tablealloc, dbcc indexalloc, or dbcc textalloc with the fix option to remove the unnecessary entries from the OAM page. The fix option reclaims the space in the OAM page to store new OAM entries.

Additional information

The OAM page is used to track all pages allocated to a table or an index. In addition to the allocation information, it also keeps track of the number of used and unused pages for the table or index. For more information about the OAM, see “Understanding the object allocation map (OAM)” in the System Administration Guide: Volume 2.

Versions in which this error is raised

Version 12.5.4 and later