I/O error occurred while writing the manifest file to `%.*s`.
A manifest file is used to store information about the database and devices used when quiescing and/or unmounting and mounting databases (see “Manifest file” in the chapter “Database Mount and Unmount,” of the most recent version of the System Administration Guide: Volume 2). Error 14503 is raised when Adaptive Server is unable to write a page to a manifest file.
Verify that the Adaptive Server user has permission to write to the manifest file directory.
Verify that there is sufficient free space in that directory to hold the manifest file.
If those conditions are correct, check the operating system log for any indications of problems with I/O to the device in question.
If error 14503 persists, gather a configurable shared memory dump (CSMD). Information about CSMD can be found in the section “Other Useful Tasks” in the most recent version of the Troubleshooting and Disaster Recovery guide.
Version 12.5.1 and later