CIS support for HANA includes some restrictions.
create existing table rpc_table ( col1 int, col2 int ) external procedure at "odbchana..SYSTEM.MYPROC"
select * from rpc_table where col1 > 100
select * from rpc_table where _p1 = null
Implicit conversions may cause a loss of precision for millisecond values for SAP ASE bigdatetime and bigtime datatypes that are mapped to a HANA timestamp datatype. SAP ASE stores the millisecond portion of bigdatetime and bigtime values using 6 digits (for example hh:mi:ss.zzzzzz). However, HANA stores the millisecond portion of bigdatetime and bigtime values in 7 digits in its timestamp datatype. Transmitting values using ODBC is precise up to 3 digits. Implicitly converting values from ODBC to the SAP ASE internal format may further depreciate the precision, because the available conversion formats support only up to 3 digits.
1> create table cb(c1 binary(3)) at 'odbchana..SYSTEM.cb' 2> go 1> insert into cb values(0x123) 2> go (1 row affected) 1> select * from cb where c1 = 0x123 2> go c 1 -------- (0 rows affected) 3> select * from cb where c1 = 0x012300 c1 -------- 0x012300 (1 row affected)