alter index
Change the compression state of future index inserts or updates using the index_compression clause.
alter table for Index Compression
Change the compression state of future index inserts or updates using the index_compression clause.
alter table for Multiple Triggers
If there are multiple triggers on a table, the table owner can disable any or all of the multiple triggers defined on that table.
create trigger for Multiple Triggers
Create multiple triggers using the create trigger command, and specify the order that the triggers fire with the new order parameter.
create trigger for or replace
The or replace clause allows you to replace a trigger's definition using create trigger.
create view
The or replace clause allows you to replace a view's definition using create view.
drop encryption key
Deletes the database encryption key from the sysencryptkeys table in the master database.
drop trigger
You can use drop trigger to remove or replace an existing trigger, or multiple triggers.
dump database
dump database adds a cyclic redundancy check for accidental changes to raw data for database or transaction dumps created with compression to check and for verification that the compression blocks can be correctly read and decompressed
The kill command adds the with force parameter.
load database
load database adds a cyclic redundancy check for accidental changes to raw data for compressed database or transaction dumps.
Issuing select statements that reference only @variables, @@global variables, and constants on SAP ASE version 16.0 and later in chained mode do not start new transactions.
select into
The select into syntax has been extended to create an index compressed table by selecting from an existing table.
SAP ASE version 16.0 introduces changes to the set command.