One of the features of .NET smart client applications is that they can be deployed and updated from a file or Web server using Microsoft .NET ClickOnce technology, making it easier for users to get and run the latest version of an application and easier for administrators to deploy it.
PowerBuilder Windows Forms applications can use this "intelligent update" feature.
Whether the application is installed on the user’s computer or run from a browser.
When and how the application checks for updates.
Where updates are made available.
What files and resources need to be deployed with the application.
What additional software needs to be installed on the user’s computer.
To support intelligent update, you (or a system administrator) need to set up a central HTTP, FTP, or UNC file server that supports file downloads. This is the server to which updates are published and from which they are deployed to a user’s computer.
When the user clicks on a link, typically on a Web page or in an e-mail, the application files are downloaded to a secure cache on the user’s computer and executed. The application itself contains an updater component. If the application can only be run when the user is connected, the latest version is always downloaded. If the application can also be run offline, the updater component polls the server to check whether updates are available. If they are, the user can choose to download them.