This part describes how to create and deploy Windows Forms applications.
PowerBuilder Windows Forms Applications
PowerBuilder applications with a rich user interface that rely on resources of the client computer, such as a complex MDI design, graphics, or animations, or that perform intensive data entry or require a rapid response time, make good candidates for deployment as Windows Forms applications.
Intelligent Deployment and Update
One of the features of .NET smart client applications is that they can be deployed and updated from a file or Web server using Microsoft .NET ClickOnce technology, making it easier for users to get and run the latest version of an application and easier for administrators to deploy it.
Unsupported Features in Windows Forms Projects
PowerBuilder Windows Forms applications do not currently support some standard PowerBuilder features. Some of these are not implemented in the current release of PowerBuilder, and others have been partially implemented.
Created January 12, 2012. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: