In the default (generated) configuration file for a J2EE archive,
settings that may be used in multiple places are defined as Ant
properties at the top of the default configuration file. For example,
since all components deployed from the same archive typically connect
to the same database, EAServer defines a sql.dataSource
as follows:
<property name="sql.dataSource" value="default"/>
This property specifies the data source name that is bound to any resource reference names used in the package.
In the user configuration file, you can override the definitions of these properties by redefining them. However, if your script imports the default configuration file, you must define the property in the user configuration file before the import of the default configuration file. For example:
<property name="sql.dataSource" value="Glossary"/> <import file="ant-config-tasks.xml"/> <import file="ejbjar-ejbtut.xml"/>
In Ant, the first declaration of a property takes precedence. If you define the property after the import of the default configuration file, the value in the default configuration takes precedence.