The Web DataWindow is a thin-client DataWindow implementation for Web applications, which provides most of the data manipulation, presentation, and scripting capabilities of the PowerBuilder DataWindow, requiring the Web DataWindow component on a component server but no PowerBuilder DLLs on the client. The Web DataWindow supports browser-based clients and offers three rendering formats: XML, XHTML, and HTML—see the DataWindow Programmer’s Guide.
Note the following updates to the DataWindow Programmer’s Guide:
Configuring a Web DataWindow for generating and
deploying JSP targets:
Change to the EAServer bin subdirectory, and run:
configure web-data-window
Instantiating a Web DataWindow from a JavaServer
Faces (JSF) interface, JSP, or servlet
To instantiate a Web DataWindow, use the following
syntax, where NNN represents the version of
the PowerBuilder VM; for example, use HTMLGenerator105
PBVM version 10.5:
import com.sybase.pb.datawindow.*; … InitialContext nc = new InitialContext(); HtmlGeneratorNNNHome home = (HtmlGeneratorNNNHome)javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(nc.lookup (“DataWindow/HTMLGeneratorNNN”), HTMLGeneratorNNNHome.class); HTMLGenerator gen = home.create();