Component access

For clients—JavaServer Pages (JSPs), servlets, or other EJBs—running in the same application server process, you can use either EJB references or direct JNDI lookups to access components.

When you deploy PowerBuilder components, if the package name is “MyPackage” and the component name is “MyComp”:

The PowerBuilder EJBConnection class allows you to call EJBs in EAServer and third-party application servers—see the EJBConnection class description in the PowerBuilder documentation.

NoteOther patterns for proxy instantiation Some patterns for proxy instantiation used in clients written for earlier EAServer releases are not compatible with EAServer 6.0. In particular, clients that use the CosNaming API or SessionManager::Factory::create methods that take parameters should be modified to use the implementation pattern described here. For more information, see “Using the CosNaming interface”.