The Management Console provides user-friendly graphical interfaces to manage CORBA packages and components.
Creating a CORBA package
in the Management Console
If you haven’t already, start EAServer and connect to the preconfigured server with the Management Console as described in Chapter 1, “Getting Started,”in the System Administration Guide.
In the Management Console, right-click the CORBA Packages folder and choose Add. The Add wizard displays.
In the Add wizard, specify the new package name. Note the restrictions described in “Restrictions on package names”.
When you finish the Add wizard, the package properties display. Configure the properties described in “CORBA package property descriptions”. Click Apply to save any changes.
Restrictions on package names
Package names must be unique among other packages in the same
EAServer installation, and begin with a letter.
Names are not case sensitive. Your packages must have unique names that differ in ways other than letter case. For example, you cannot define two packages named MyPack and mypack in the same EAServer installation. You cannot have two packages with the same name, even if one is installed in an application and the other is not.
Creating CORBA components in the Management Console
Create the CORBA package as described in “Creating a CORBA package in the Management Console”.
In the Management Console, expand the CORBA Packages folder. Locate the icon for the package in which you are creating the component. Double-click the icon to display the Components folder beneath it.
Right-click the Components folder beneath the target package, and click Add. The Add wizard runs and prompts for values for the most commonly configured component properties.
When you finish the Add wizard, the component properties display in the right pane. Configure the properties described in “CORBA component property descriptions”. Click Apply to save any changes.
Refreshing CORBA packages
in the Management Console
The Refresh action in the CORBA Package context menu creates (or recreates) the generated code and EJB wrapper components required to run the components in the package. If the components are loaded in the server, the new implementation is loaded to replace the old. Refresh the package as follows:
If you haven’t already, start EAServer and connect to the preconfigured server with the Management Console as described in Chapter 1, “Getting Started,”in the System Administration Guide.
In the Management Console, expand the CORBA Packages folder, then right-click the icon for the package to be configured and choose Refresh from the context menu.
The Management Console runs the configuration commands to regenerate the component’s generated code and reload the implementation. If the operation fails, check the server log file for errors.