
Specifies whether database tables for CMP entity beans should be created by EAServer when the module is created. Automatic table creation can be useful for debugging during development of new CMP entity beans.

NoteAutomatic table creation is for testing only For deployment to production servers, you or your DBA should create the tables, using an optimized index model and any other necessary optimizations, such as enabling row-level locking.

If you use automatic table creation, you can override the <loadComponents> command in the default configuration and add the dropTables attribute. This attribute causes old tables to be dropped when redeploying. For example:

<target name="configure-user">
  <loadComponents package="ejb.components.myjarname" 

If you do not specify dropTables as true, tables are not created unless the tables don’t already exist.

When running against predefined tables, review the <persistentObject> and <persistentField> commands in the default configuration. If a table names do not match the EJB entity bean name, you must override the <persistentObject> setting in your user configuration. If column names do not match the corresponding persistent field name, you must override the <persistentField> setting in your user configuration.