Specifies the default for the data source name that is bound to any JDBC resource reference names used in the module. It also specifies the default data source used for field storage in CMP entity beans.
To override the data source bound to a JNDI name, create a <setProperties> command in your user configuration that contains a <bind> command specifying the JNDI name and the data source to bind it to. For example:
<target name="configure-user"> <setProperties package="ejb.components.example"> <bind name="java:comp/env/jdbc/MyDataSource" dataSource="myDB"/> </setProperties> </target>
To override the data source for CMP entity bean field storage, create a <setProperties> command in your user configuration to configure the CMP entity bean. Copy and paste the <persistentObject> from the default configuration’s <setProperties> command for this component, then modify the dataSource attribute. For example:
<target name="configure-user"> <setProperties component="ejb.components.example.CustomerInventory"> <persistentObject table="cust_inv" isolationLevel="RepeatableRead" dataSource=”myDB” /> </setProperties> </target>