Adding the HAase resource

Each service group must contain an HAase resource. Table 11-1 shows the attributes of an HAase resource.

Table 11-1: HAase resource


Datatype, dimension, and default



string, scalar, null

The home directory of the Adaptive Server installation, and the same as the value for the environment variable SYBASE in an Adaptive Server installation.


string, scalar, null

Name of the Adaptive Server that is supplied at the time of configuration.


string, scalar, null

Name of the Backup Server that is supplied at the time of configuration.


string, scalar, null

Name of the Monitor Server that is supplied at the time of configuration.


string, scalar, null

Name of the full-text search server that is supplied at the time of configuration.


string, scalar, null

Name of secondary companion server that is set when you run the ‘sp_companion configure’ command.


string, scalar, null

Absolute path to a file containing login information for current data server. The file consists of two lines; the first line is the login and password for System Administrator, the second line is the user login and password used for thorough probe used by the high availability agent monitor.


string, scalar, null

Absolute path to an alternative RUN_server file, which overwrites the default $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/install/RUN_SERVER.


int, scalar, 3

The number of shallow probes before a thorough probe is performed.


string, scalar, null

Absolute path to an alternative file containing SQL scripts for the fault monitoring program to perform a thorough probe. If it is set to null, the agent uses the default SQL commands.

For security reasons, this file should restrict write access to the owner of $SYBASE directory.

NoteThis value is ignored by the HAase resource.


Boolean, scalar, 0

If set to 1 (true), the monitor logs debugging messages to $VCS_LOG/log/HAase_A.log; other scripts log debugging messages to $VCS_LOG/log/engine_A.log. The message number range is 2,000,001 and greater.


int, scalar, 5000000

Maximum size for the $VCS_LOG/log/HAase_A.log file.


string, scalar, null

Reserved for future use.


Boolean, scalar, 0

Reserved for future use.


Boolean, scalar, 0

Reserved for future use.

NoteThe default value for $VCS_LOG is /var/VRTSvcs.