Loading large object data

LONG BINARY and LONG VARCHAR data can be loaded using extended syntax of the LOAD TABLE statement. You can specify a secondary load file in the primary load file. Each individual secondary data file contains exactly one LONG BINARY or LONG VARCHAR cell value.

Extended LOAD TABLE syntax

LOADINTO ] TABLEowner ].table-name
... ( column-name load-column-specification [, ...] )
... FROM 'filename-string' [, ...]
... [ QUOTESON | OFF } ]
... [ FORMATascii | binary | bcp } ]
... [ DELIMITED BY 'string' ]
| { BINARY | ASCII } FILEinteger )
| { BINARY | ASCII } FILE ( ‘string‘ )

The keywords BINARY FILE (for LONG BINARY) or ASCII FILE (for LONG VARCHAR) specify to the load that the primary input file for the column contains the path of the secondary file (which contains the LONG BINARY or LONG VARCHAR cell value), rather than the LONG BINARY or LONG VARCHAR data itself. The secondary file pathname can be either fully qualified or relative. If the secondary file pathname is not fully qualified, then the path is relative to the directory in which the server was started. Tape devices are not supported for the secondary file. Note that IQ supports loading LONG BINARY and LONG VARCHAR values of length less than or equal to 32767 bytes in the primary load file.

For LOAD TABLE FORMAT BCP, the load specification may contain only column names, NULL, and ENCRYPTED. This means that you cannot use secondary files when loading LONG BINARY and LONG VARCHAR columns using the LOAD TABLE FORMAT BCP option. For syntax and usage details on the LOAD TABLE FORMAT BCP option, see LOAD TABLE statement in Chapter 1, “SQL Statements”of Reference: Statements and Options.

Load example

This example shows the SQL statements to create and load a table with LONG BINARY data.

CREATE TABLE ltab (c1 INT, filename CHAR(64),
	ext CHAR(6), lobcol LONG BINARY NULL);
	ext NULL(‘NULL’),
	lobcol BINARY FILE (‘,’) NULL(‘NULL’)
FROM ‘abc.inp’

The primary file abc.inp contains the following data:

3,zero length test,NULL,,
4,null test,NULL,NULL,

After the LONG BINARY data is loaded into table ltab, the first and second rows for column lobcol contain the contents of files boston.jpg and concord.bmp, respectively. The third and fourth rows contain a zero-length value and NULL, respectively.

Controlling load errors

The database option SECONDARY_FILE_ERROR allows you to specify the action of the load, if an error occurs while opening or reading from a secondary BINARY FILE or ASCII FILE.

If the option SECONDARY_FILE_ERROR is ON, the load will rollback, if an error occurs while opening or reading from a secondary BINARY FILE or ASCII FILE.

If the option SECONDARY_FILE_ERROR is OFF, the load continues, regardless of any errors that occur while opening or reading from a secondary BINARY FILE or ASCII FILE. The LONG BINARY or LONG VARCHAR cell is left with the following value:

The allowed values of the SECONDARY_FILE_ERROR option are ON and OFF. The default value is OFF. This option can be set for the PUBLIC group or temporary by any user and takes effect immediately.

When logging integrity constraint violations to the load error ROW LOG file, the information logged for a LONG BINARY or LONG VARCHAR column is:

Stripping trailing blanks

The LOAD TABLE...STRIP option has no effect on LONG VARCHAR data. Trailing blanks are not stripped from LONG VARCHAR data, even if the STRIP option is on.

Enclosing quotes

The LOAD TABLE...QUOTES option does not apply to loading LONG BINARY (BLOB) or LONG VARCHAR (CLOB) data from the secondary file, regardless of its setting, A leading or trailing quote is loaded as part of CLOB data. Two consecutive quotes between enclosing quotes are loaded as two consecutive quotes with the QUOTES ON option.

Truncating partial multibyte character data

Partial multibyte LONG VARCHAR data is truncated during the load according to the value of the TRIM_PARTIAL_MBC database option:

Table 6-1 lists how a trailing multibyte character is loaded, depending on the values of the TRIM_PARTIAL_MBC and SECONDARY_FILE_ERROR database options.

Table 6-1: Partial multibyte character on loading LONG VARCHAR with ASCII FILE option



Trailing partial multibyte character found



Trailing partial multibyte character truncated



Cell — null, if null allowed LOAD error — rollback, if null not allowed



Cell — null, if null allowed Cell — 0 length, if null not allowed