Server Was Started with an Incorrect Path

When you start a new multiplex server, the database file path must match the database file path specified when creating that server.

If you use the wrong path, server startup fails with the following messages in the server log file (*.srvlog):
E. 08/18 07:22:19. MPX: server myserver
has been started with an incorrect catalog path
(expected path: /work/IQ-15_4/demo/mympx/iqdemo.db).
-- (st_database.cxx 7883)
I. 08/18 07:22:19. Database server shutdown due 
to startup error
Unable to start specified database: autostarting
database failed

If you see these messages, restart the server with the expected path. If you plan to use UNIX soft (symbolic) links for server paths, you must create the soft link before you run CREATE MULTIPLEX SERVER.