Server Name is Not Unique on Your Network
If multiple servers on your system have the same name, the following messages appear in the server log file (*.srvlog or the name specified in the -o startup option) when you attempt to start the server using start_iq:
Log File Has Illegal Name
If you specified a separate request-level logging file, but the filename is an illegal identifier, errors result on server startup.
Server Port Number is Not Unique on the Machine
If a Sybase IQ server is running and you attempt to start another Sybase IQ server on the same machine using the same port number, messages appear in the server log file (*.srvlog).
Server Was Started with an Incorrect Path
When you start a new multiplex server, the database file path must match the database file path specified when creating that server.
Environment Variables Are Not Set Correctly
If your database configuration file parameters differ from those used by start_iq, make sure the correct parameters are used to start the server.
You Cannot Run start_iq
If you cannot run the start_iq command and you normally use a configuration file or other command line switches, try starting the server using only start_iq with the server name and database name.