Index Error Repair

Use the sp_iqrebuildindex procedure to repair an index, then run sp_iqcheckdb in verify mode to check for index inconsistencies.

If an index is still inconsistent, drop and recreate the index, and then rebuild the index.

Note: The sp_iqrebuildindex procedure cannot repair FP indexes. Sybase IQ has no functionality to repair FP indexes.
Related concepts
Analysis of Index Errors
DBCC Error Messages
sp_iqcheckdb Output
Analysis of Allocation Problems
Database Connection Issues
Database Verification
Database Repair
Running out of Space During Checkpointing
Server Operational Issues
The sp_iqcheckdb Stored Procedure
Related tasks
Dropping Inconsistent Indexes, Tables, or Columns
Recovering Leaked Space
Starting a Server in Forced Recovery Mode
Decision Flow for Server Recovery and Database Repair