dbstop options

Table 1-5: dbstop options




Read in options from the specified environment variable or configuration file.


Server name of a running server to stop. If you supply a server name, do not supply connection parameters as well.

-c “keyword=value; ...”

When stopping a network server, you must supply a connection string with a user ID that has permissions to stop the server. By default, DBA permission is required on the network server, and all users can shut down a personal server; you can use the -gk server command-line option to change the default behavior.

For a description of the connection parameters, see Chapter 4, “Connection and Communication Parameters” in the System Administration Guide: Volume 1.

If there are active connections, dbstop prompts whether you want to shut down the server. If you specify unconditional=true on the command line, the server shuts down without prompting, even if there are active connections.


Does not stop the database server. Instead, only stops the database specified in the connection string.

-o filename

Logs output messages to the named file.


Quiet mode—does not print messages.


Does not stop if there are active connections. Including this option prevents dbstop from prompting for confirmation if there are active connections.


Stops without prompting even if there are active connections.