Stopping the database server with stop_iq (UNIX and Linux only)

On UNIX and Linux platforms, you can also stop the database server using stop_iq as well as using dbstop. For full details on when to use stop_iq, see the section “Stopping the database server” in Chapter 2, “Running Sybase IQ” in the System Administration Guide: Volume 1.

stop_iq is an interactive utility that lists all of the servers owned by other users, then lists the servers you own, then asks you if you want to stop your server. If you respond Y (yes), stop_iq shuts down your server and closes all user connections to your server. If you respond N (no), stop_iq returns to the operating system command prompt, and your server continues to run.

When you issue stop_iq, you see this message:

"Please note that 'stop_iq' will shutdown a server
completely without regard for users connections or
load processes status. For a finer level of detail
the utility 'dbstop' has the options to control
whether a server is stopped based on active

Normally, do not shut down a server while it is still connected to one or more clients. If you try this, you get a warning that any uncommitted transactions will be lost. Disconnect or close all the clients and try again.