start_iq recovery option

The following table lists the -iqfrec option for restoring the IQ portion of the database.

Table 1-4: start_iq recovery option



-iqfrec dbname

Marks the specified database as in use and restores the IQ portion of the database to its last known consistent state. Do not use -iqfrec during normal operations; use it only while force-recovering a database after seeing s_buf or free list errors during recovery after IQ server failure. The dbname must be the physical database name, not a logical name or nickname.

NoteThe option -iqfrec applies only to the IQ part of the database, not to the catalog store. -iqfrec does not enable a forced recovery on the SQL Anywhere part of the database (the catalog store).

Follow correct procedures when using -iqfrec. See Chapter 13, “System Recovery and Database Repair” in the System Administration Guide: Volume 1.