start_iq database options

The following table lists the available switches for the start_iq database options parameters. These options apply only to the preceding database in the command syntax.

Specify these options after the database file. These options apply only to that database.

There are two forms of syntax for the following options:

NoteFor switch descriptions in the following table that cite SQL Anywhere documentation, please note that references to dbsrv11 | dbeng11, Mobilink, OS X, Ultralite, and Windows Mobile do not apply to Sybase IQ.

Table 1-3: start_iq database options



-a log-filename

Applies the named transaction log. The -a database option must be specified after the database-file, and applies only to that database.

See "-a database option" in SQL Anywhere Server – Database Administration.

-ad log-directory

Specifies the directory containing transaction log files to be applied to the database. The -ad database option must be specified after the database-file, and applies only to that database.

See "-ad database option" in SQL Anywhere Server – Database Administration.


Specifies that any transaction log files located in the same directory as the current transaction log should be applied to the database. The -ar database option must be specified after the database-file, and applies only to that database.

See "-ar database option" in SQL Anywhere Server – Database Administration.

-as log-dir

Specifies that the database should continue to run after transaction logs have been applied (used in conjunction with -as or -ar). The -as database option must be specified after the database-file, and applies only to that database.

See "-as database option" in SQL Anywhere Server – Database Administration.


Makes a database undetectable when the Server Location utility dblocate -d is run against the server. See “Server Location utility (dblocate)”.

-ds dir

Specifies the directory where the dbspaces for the database are located. When a dbspace directory is specified, the database server only searches this directory for dbspaces. This option only affects SQL Anywhere dbspace files.

See "-ds database option" in SQL Anywhere Server – Database Administration.

-ek key

Specifies the database encryption key.

Provided after the file name of a strongly encrypted database. Requires the key value as an argument to start an encrypted database. The key value is a string, including mixed cases, numbers, letters, and special characters. If you have a strongly encrypted database, you must provide the encryption key to use the database or transaction log; if you do not, the command fails. For a strongly encrypted database, you must specify either -ek or -ep, but not both.


Truncates (deletes) the transaction log when a checkpoint is done, either at shutdown or as a result of a checkpoint scheduled by the server. This provides a way to automatically limit the growth of the transaction log. Checkpoint frequency is still controlled by the CHECKPOINT_TIME and RECOVERY_TIME options (also definable on the command line).

The -m option is useful where high volume transactions requiring fast response times are being processed, and the contents of the transaction log are not being relied upon for recovery or replication. When this option is selected, there is no protection provided against media failure on the device containing the database files.

To avoid database file fragmentation, Sybase recommends that if you use the -m option, you place the transaction log on a separate device or partition than the database itself.

This option is the same as the -m server option, but applies only to the current database or the database identified by the database-file command-line variable.

NoteDo not use the -m option with databases that are being replicated, as replication inherently relies on transaction log information. For this reason, never use the -m option on a multiplex database.

-n name

Provides an alternate name, or nickname, for the database. Using a nickname simplifies connections. For Open Client, the -n nickname must be the same as the entry in the interfaces file.

Since a database server can load several databases, the database name is used to distinguish the different databases. However, Sybase strongly recommends that you run only one database on an IQ server. If you must run two databases, start two IQ database servers on different ports.

By default, the database receives as a name the file name with the path and extension removed. For example, you start a server on c:\sybase\IQ-15_2\demo\iqdemo.db and do not specify the -n option, then the name of the database is iqdemo. To avoid using the default name, always specify a server name.

For naming conventions, see the -n server option.

NoteThere are two -n switches. If -n does not follow a database file name, the option names the server. If -n appears after a database file name, the switch is a database switch.


Forces all databases that start on the database server to be read-only. No changes to the database are allowed: the database server doesn't modify the database file.

-sm name

Provides an alternate database server name that can be used to access the read-only mirror database. The alternate-server-name is only active when the database server is acting as mirror for the database. By using the -sm and -sn command-line options, an application can always connect to the database on the primary or the mirror server, without knowing which physical server is acting as primary or mirror.

-sn name

Provides an alternate server name for a single database running on a database server. The database server can be configured to listen for more than one server name for a particular database server. Server names other than the real server name are called alternate server names, and are specific to a particular database running on the database server. Clients using the alternate server name to connect can only connect to the database that specified the alternate server name. Alternate server names must be unique on the network; otherwise, the database fails to start. If the database is started in the server command and the alternate server name is not unique, the server fails to start.


Provides information to an operational server that allows it to connect to its partner and to the arbiter when database mirroring is being used. The -xp database option must be specified after the database-file, and applies only to that database.

The syntax is:

[server-options] database-file
-xp partner= (partner-conn);
[ ;arbiter=(arbiter-conn)]
[ ;mode=|sync | async | page]
[ ;autofailover=[YES | NO]]
[ ;pagetimeout=n]
[ ;preferred=[YES | NO]]

See "-xp database option" in SQL Anywhere Server – Database Administration.