Function keys

Table 3-5 lists function keys and special keys that are available on Windows.

Table 3-5: dbisqlc function and special keys on Windows

Function key



Move data to the left by one column in the data window.


Move data to the left by one character.


Move data to the right by one column.


Move data to the right by one character.


Display a list of the tables in the database. Use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the table names changing the highlighted table name. While the list appears, press Enter to insert the current table name into the command window at the cursor position. While the list appears, press F7 to see a list of columns for the highlighted table. Again, use Enter to select the highlighted column name and put it into the command window at the cursor position.


Execute the command that is in the command window. This operation can also be performed with the mouse by clicking Execute.


Activate the menus at the top of the window.

Page Up

Move data up a page.

Page Down

Move data down a page.


Move to top of data.


Move to bottom of data.