Information utility (dbinfo)

The command-line Information utility dbinfo displays information about a database catalog store. The information returned by dbinfo does not reflect the IQ store.

Any valid user ID can run dbinfo, but to obtain page usage statistics you need DBA authority.


dbinfo options ]


Table 4-6 lists the available options for the dbinfo utility.

Table 4-6: dbinfo options



-c "keyword=value; ..."

Specify connection parameters. See Chapter 4, “Connection and Communication Parameters” in the System Administration Guide: Volume 1.

-o filename

Write output messages to the named file.


Operate quietly; do not display output messages.


Output page usage statistics. Display information about the usage and size of all catalog store tables, including system and user-defined tables. You can only request page usage statistics if no other users are connected to the database.


The dbinfo utility indicates when the database was created, the name of any transaction log file or log mirror that is maintained, the catalog store page size, the version of installed Java classes, and other information. Optionally, it can also provide catalog table usage statistics and details.