Server Location utility (dblocate)

The Server Location command-line utility dblocate may assist in diagnosing connection problems by locating databases on the immediate TCP/IP network.


dblocate [ options ]


Table 3-8 lists the options available for the dblocate utility.

Table 3-8: dblocate options




Lists the server name and address, for each server found, followed by a comma-separated list of databases running on that server. If the list exceeds 160 characters, it is truncated and ends with an ellipsis (...).

-dn database-name

Lists the server name and address, for servers running a database with the specified name. If the list exceeds 160 characters, it is truncated and ends with an ellipsis (...).


Displays the server name and address, for each server found, listing each database running on that server on a separate line. The list is not truncated, so this option can be used to reveal lists that are truncated when the v option is used.


Lists IP addresses in the output, rather than computer names. This may improve performance since looking up computer names may be slow.

-o filename

Writes output messages to the named file.

-p portnumber

Displays the server name and address only for servers using the specified TCP/IP port number. The TCP/IP port number must be between 1 and 65535.


Runs in quiet mode—messages are not displayed.

-s name

Displays the server name and address only for servers with the specified server name. If this option is used, the -ss option should not be used (if both options are used, it is likely that no matching servers will be found).

-ss substr

Displays the server name and address only for servers that contain the specified substring anywhere in the server name. If this option is used, the -s option should not be used (if both options are used, it is likely that no matching servers will be found).


Displays the full server name. By default, dblocate truncates database server names that are longer than 40 bytes.


dblocate locates any SQL Anywhere or Sybase IQ database servers running over TCP/IP on the immediate network. It prints a list of database servers and their addresses.

Depending on your network, the utility may take several seconds before printing its results.