DBSpace Header utility (iqheader)

Use the DBSpace Header utility to determine which server, if any, is using a particular device, file or LUN (Logical Unit Number) as a dbspace in order to analyze disk usage or to configure a multiplex query server.

The iqheader utility reports the configuration of an arbitrary device regardless of whether it is currently in use by an IQ server.

The user interface is a standalone console application called iqheader (header.exe on Windows). The iqheader tool searches the device for a IQ dbspace header and reports the header information in a user-readable format.

NoteLUN is a logical unit number and is used to identify SCSI devices so the host can address and access the data on each disk drive in an array.


iqheader [ [ dbspace_path ] 


The iqheader application takes a single parameter, which is the device to be checked.


iqheader usage When invoked with no parameters, a usage summary is reported and a nonzero status is returned:

Usage: iqheader [dbspace_path]

iqheader error When the specified target is not an IQ dbspace, an error message is reported and a nonzero status is returned:

>iqheader /dev/null
Not an IQ file: Error 0

Operating system errors When the specified target is unreadable, or any file operation fails due to an error returned from the operating system, the native operating system error appears and a nonzero status is returned.

>iqheader /dev/rdsk/c1t32d0s1              <
Open Failed: No such file or directory

>iqheader /dev/rdsk/c1t3d0s1               <
Open Failed: Permission denied

iqheader output When a valid IQ dbspace is specified, iqheader prints the dbspace configuration to the console and returns a 0 exit status. Table 3-5 describes the fields in the iqheader output.

Table 3-5: iqheader output



File Name

Name of the file.

Full Path

Full path after symbolic link resolution


Dbspace file format version

File ID

Unique number assigned to each dbspace

Create Time

Time of dbspace creation

RW Mode

Current read-write mode: RW, RO, RW, N/A (Upgraded)

Last RW Mode

Last dbspace mode

Size (MB)

DBSpace size, in megabytes

Reserve (MB)

DBSpace reserve size, in megabytes

Block Size

Size of IQ block, in bytes

Page Size

Size of IQ page, in bytes

First Block

First IQ block number mapped to dbspace

Block Count

Number of IQ blocks that map to actual disk blocks

Reserve Blocks

Number of IQ blocks that may be added to this dbspace

Last Real Block

Last IQ block number that maps to an actual disk block

Last Mapped Block

Last IQ block number mapped to dbspace


Online status (YES/NO)

Create ID

Commit ID in which dbspace was created

Alter ID

Last commit ID in which dbspace was altered


Location of first database identity


Location of second database identity

DBSpace ID

Unique identifier assigned to each dbspace


Lower bound of pre-allocate space for dbspace


Upper bound of pre-allocate space for dbspace

Pre-alter commit ID

Commit_id in the system tables ISYSDBFILE and ISYSIQDBSPACE


Number of blocks of type 'F' (free list blocks)


The following example shows output for iqheader:

File Name: file1.iq
Full Path: /dev/dsk/file1.iq
DBFile Header Info
Version: 2
File ID: 16395
Create Time: 2008-06-02 21:57:00
RW Mode: RO
Last RW Mode: RW
Size (MB): 20
Reserve (MB): 20
Block Size: 8192
Page Size: 131072
First Block: 9408960
Block Count: 2560
Reserve Blocks: 2560
Last Real Block: 9411519
Last Mapped Block: 10454399
OFlags: 1
Create ID: 6905
Alter ID: 6964
DBID1: 0
DBID2: 0
DBSpace ID: 16395
_NextFLAllocLowerBank: 0
_NextFLAllocUpperBank: 0
Pre-alter commit ID: 6925
Dropped: NO

See also

Chapter 5, “Working with Database Objects,” in the System Administration Guide: Volume 1.