Sybase ASE version
Version of the Sybase ASE staging database automatically created.
Database name
PDM name of the staging database.
Database code
PDM code of the staging database.
Server name
Server name of the staging database.
Server code
Serve code of the staging database.
Use insert table in Sybase IQ
Indicates that an insert staging table will be used in Sybase IQ to copy inserted rows from staging database in order to support transformation inside Sybase IQ.
Support update in Sybase IQ
Indicates that an update statement will cause an update in Sybase IQ. If you do not select this option, update statements will be replaced by delete and insert statements.
Insert table code
Template for defining the code of an insert table.
Update table code
Template for defining the code of an update table.
Delete table code
Template for defining the code of a delete table
Use stored procedure for function strings
Creates stored procedures in the staging database and uses them in RepServer function strings.
Insert procedure code
Template for defining the code of insert stored procedures.
Update procedure code
Template for defining the code of update stored procedures.
Delete procedure code
Template for defining the code of delete stored procedures.