The command is in an invalid state. Either the ULCommand.Connection value is missing or closed, the ULCommand.Transaction
value does not match the current transaction state of the connection, or the ULCommand.CommandText value is invalid.
The statement is the current ULCommand object, with the ULCommand.CommandText and any ULCommand.Parameters values as required.
The ULDataReader object is a read-only result set. For editable result sets, use the ULCommand.ExecuteResultSet method, the
ULCommand.ExecuteTable method, or a ULDataAdapter object.
If the ULCommand.CommandType value is System.Data.CommandType.TableDirect, the ExecuteReader method performs a ULCommand.ExecuteTable
call and returns a ULTable object downcast as a ULDataReader object.
SELECT statements are marked as read-only by default for performance reasons. If the query is going to be used to make updates,
the statement must end with " FOR UPDATE".
This is the strongly-typed version of the System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader and System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteReader