One of the System.Data.CommandType values. The default value is System.Data.CommandType.Text.
Supported command types are as follows:
System.Data.CommandType.TableDirect - UL Ext: When you specify this CommandType property, the ULCommand.CommandText property must be the name of a database table. You
can also specify the index used to open (sort) the table with the ULCommand.IndexName property. Use the ULCommand.ExecuteTable
or ULCommand.ExecuteReader methods to access the table.
System.Data.CommandType.Text - When you specify this CommandType property, the ULCommand.CommandText property must be a SQL
statement or query. Use the ULCommand.ExecuteNonQuery method to execute a non-query SQL statement, and use either the ULCommand.ExecuteReader
or ULCommand.ExecuteScalar method to execute a query.