RSE0: No error
RSE1000: Client used an URL with no backend farm specified
RSE1001: Client specified an unrecognized farm name '%1' in the URL
RSE1002: Outbound enabler specified an unrecognized farm name '%1'
RSE1003: Failed decoding session id '%1' from client request
RSE1004: Outbound enabler attempted to connect with invalid farm index: %1
RSE1005: Relay Server configuration request has been canceled
RSE1006: Timed out waiting for SA monitor commands
RSE1007: The SA monitor has disconnected prematurely
RSE1008: Communication error [SYS%1: %2] occurred while reading SA monitor request
RSE1009: Communication error [SYS%1: %2] occurred while writing response back to SA monitor
RSE1010: Cannot update configuration concurrently
RSE1011: Invalid or malformed session parameter in URL: '%1'
RSE1012: Request from outbound enabler should not be chunked
RSE1013: Request from outbound enabler cannot be smaller than minimum packet size
RSE1014: Timed out waiting for the first packet from the outbound enabler
RSE1015: Invalid first '%1' packet from the outbound enabler
RSE1016: Timed out disconnecting up channel for server '%1' in farm '%2'
RSE1017: Timed out waiting for down channels and clients to detach from shared memory during soft shutdown
RSE11017: Backend farm name '%1' not found while adding backend server '%2'
RSE2000: Backend farm '%1' is currently disabled
RSE2001: Client security requirement is not satisfied in farm '%1'
RSE2002: Failed to assign client request to any backend server in farm '%1' within %2 sec of application timeout
RSE2003: Failed to use session id from client because backend server '%1' was not found in farm '%2'
RSE2004: Backend security requirement is not satisfied in backend farm '%1'
RSE2005: Backend server '%1' is not a recognized member of backend farm '%2'
RSE2006: Outbound enabler is connecting a channel with invalid server index %1 in farm '%2'
RSE3000: Incorrect MAC address(es) '%1' for backend server '%2' in backend farm '%3'
RSE3001: Got token '%1' for backend server '%2' in farm '%3' but expecting '%4'
RSE3002: Backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2' is using an unsupported outbound enabler
RSE3003: Redundant outbound enabler connection for backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2' was ignored
RSE3004: Communication error [SYS%1: %2] occurred while reading from down channel of backend server '%3' in backend farm '%4'
RSE3005: Mismatched outbound enabler instance for backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2'
RSE3006: Mismatched Relay Server instance for backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2'
RSE3007: Timed out engaging reconnected up channel for backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2' after %3 seconds
RSE3008: Backend server channel has been aborted because the backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2' has been removed or
disabled from the Relay Server configuration
RSE3009: Communication error [SYS%1: %2] occurred while writing to up channel of backend server '%3' in backend farm '%4'
RSE3010: The outbound enabler of backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2' is using the -af switch which is longer supported.
Please upgrade your outbound enabler
RSE3011: Unknown event happened on backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2'
RSE3012: Invalid packet from backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2'
RSE3013: Timed out waiting for activity from outbound enabler for backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2' after %3 seconds
RSE3014: The outbound enabler for backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2' disconnected prematurely
RSE4000: Timed out waiting for up channel of backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2' after %3 seconds
RSE4001: Timed out reading from client of backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2' after %3 seconds
RSE4002: Communication error [SYS%1: %2] occurred while reading from client of backend server '%3' in backend farm '%4'
RSE4003: Client of backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2' timed out waiting for backend server response after %3 seconds
RSE4004: Outbound enabler of backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2' reports session error OEE%3 with parameters '%4', '%5',
RSE4005: Aborting client request to backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2' due to backend server being unavailable
RSE4006: Aborting client request to backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2' due to outbound enabler shutdown
RSE4007: Aborting client request to backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2' due to unexpected down channel packet opcode
%3!4x from the outbound enabler
RSE4008: Communication error [SYS%1: %2] occurred while writing response to client of backend server '%3' in backend farm
'%4' when '%5'
RSE4009: Unexpected end of request while reading from client of backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2'
RSE4010: Client of backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2' ignoring mis-routed OE_SERVER_RESPONSE packet with request index
RSE4011: Client of backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2' ignored mis-routed OE_SERVER_RESPONSE packet with session number
RSE4012: Client of backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2' ignored mis-routed OE_SERVER_RESPONSE packet with session fingerprint
%3 while expecting %4
RSF11000: Relay Server list is too long. Outbound enabler connection aborted
RSF11001: Shared memory exhausted when '%1'
RSF11002: System error [SYS%1: %2] occurred while initializing resources for remote administration
RSF11003: System error [SYS%1: %2] occurred while writing the entire configuration to file '%3'
RSF11004: Out of memory while reading new configuration
RSF11005: Protocol error when '%1'
RSF11006: Failed to open '%1' to apply a configuration update
RSF11007: System error [SYS%1: %2] occurred while updating configuration
RSF11008: Timed out waiting for administration command after %1 seconds
RSF11009: The remote administration tool disconnected prematurely
RSF11010: Communication error [SYS%1: %2] occurred while reading from remote administration tool
RSF11011: Cannot continue to process ADMIN_CMD_CONFIG_CONTINUE packet due to previous error
RSF11012: Expecting section header at line %1 in configuration file '%2'
RSF11013: System error [SYS%1: %2] occurred while archiving log file '%3' into '%4'
RSF11014: Communication error [SYS%1: %2] occurred while writing response back to remote administration tool
RSF11015: Invalid opcode in monitor command packet
RSF11016: Freeing already freed memory block in shared memory
RSF11018: Cannot add backend server '%1' as it is already defined in backend farm '%2'
RSF11019: Failed initializing resource for accessing backend server '%1' in farm '%2'
RSF11020: Missing required section '%1' in configuration file '%2'
RSF11021: Failed preparing shared log
RSF11022: Failed setting up data structure for all Relay Servers in the configuration
RSF11023: Relay Server '%1' is previously defined in the configuration
RSF11024: Failed preparing backend farms information
RSF11025: Out of heap memory
RSF11026: System error [SYS%1: %2] occurred while creating internal data structure on start up
RSF11027: System error [SYS%1: %2] occurred while initializing internal data structures
RSF11028: System error [SYS%1: %2] occurred while creating shared memory. Please shutdown any running rshost processes and
restart the web server before retrying
RSF11029: Failed to create semaphore manager
RSF11030: System error [SYS%1: %2] occurred while initializing shared data structures
RSF11031: Failed attaching to shared memory of Relay Server '%1'
RSF11032: System error [SYS%1: %2] occurred while attaching to shared log '%3'
RSF11033: Failed to update data structure for the list of Relay Servers in the configuration
RSF11034: Failed to apply backend farm changes
RSF11035: Failed to apply backend server changes
RSF11036: Failed broadcasting to backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2' because up channel was too busy
RSF11037: Farm '%1' is already defined
RSF11038: System error [SYS%1: %2] occurred while renaming the log file '%3'
RSF11039: Leaked a memory block in shared memory
RSF11040: Cannot open Relay Server configuration file '%1'
RSF11041: Cannot unhide Relay Server configuration file '%1'
RSF11042: Bad syntax at line %1 in configuration file '%2'
RSF11043: Invalid section name at line %1 in configuration file '%2'
RSF11044: Invalid property name at line %1 in configuration file '%2'
RSF11045: Invalid property value at line %1 in configuration file '%2'
RSF11046: Duplicate '%1' section at line %2 in configuration file '%3'
RSF11047: Missing required property '%1' at line %2 in configuration file '%3'
RSF12000: System error [SYS%1: %2] occurred while initializing resource for accessing backend farm '%3'
RSF13000: System error [SYS%1: %2] occurred while generating acceptor uuid for backend server '%3' in backend farm '%4'
RSF13001: System error [SYS%1: %2] occurred while initializing resource for accessing backend server '%3' in backend farm
RSF13002: Failed to lock request list of backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2' for writing
RSF13003: System error [SYS%1: %2] occurred while initializing request list for backend server '%3' in backend farm '%4'
RSF13004: System error [SYS%1: %2] occurred while releasing up channel idle semaphore for backend server '%3' in backend farm
RSF13005: The outbound enabler for backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2' is sending %3 bytes beyond channel limit
RSF13006: Failed to lock request list of backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2' for reading
RSF13007: Failed locking download packet queue of a client of backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2' for pushing a %3 packet
RSF13008: System error [SYS%1: %2] occurred while initializing semaphore for download packet queue of backend server '%3'
in backend farm '%4' while pushing a %5 packet
RSF13009: Missing request list for backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2'
RSF13010: Detected faulty request index recycling on backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2'
RSF13011: Failed allocating shared memory block for client traffic statistic collector of backend server '%1' in backend farm
RSF14000: System error [SYS%1: %2] occurred while initializing access to backend server '%3' in backend farm '%4'
RSF14001: Failed to lock request list of backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2' for writing when '%3'
RSF14002: Failed allocating shared memory block for client of backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2' when '%3'
RSF14003: System error [SYS%1: %2] occurred while initializing request targeting backend server '%3' in backend farm '%4'
RSF14004: Heap memory exhausted while client of backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2' is '%3'
RSF14005: Removed unexpected request from request list of backend server '%1' in backend farm '%2'
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