Features requiring an unload/reload, upgraded database, or updated client libraries

Many features are available when you upgrade your SQL Anywhere database server. While many features are available when you run an older database on the latest version of the database server, to access some features, you must unload and reload your database, perform an upgrade on the database file, or update your client libraries.

Before version 10, the SQL Anywhere database server was called Adaptive Server Anywhere.


Features not listed in the categories below only require a SQL Anywhere 12.0.1 database server; they do not require the database to be upgraded or the client libraries to be updated. For a complete list of new features in SQL Anywhere 12, see What's new in version 12.0.0 and What's new in version 12.0.1.

 Features that require an unload/reload of your database
 Features that require only an upgrade (dbupgrad utility or UPGRADE DATABASE statement)
 Features that require updated client libraries