MobiLink Replay C++ callbacks

This section describes the public structure of the mlreplaycallbacks.cpp file that can be generated by the mlgenreplayapi tool. It contains a complete list of callbacks that you can develop to customize the data uploaded to the MobiLink server during a replay session using the mlreplay utility.


If callbacks are not used, you must wait for all simulated clients to be ready to replay before they can start replaying. Simulated clients can not perform the replay if any simulated client cannot be created or initialized successfully.

 See also

CreateAndInitMLReplayUploadTransaction callback
DelayCreationOfSimulatedClient callback
DelayDestructionOfSimulatedClient callback
DelayStartOfReplay callback
DestroyMLReplayUploadTransaction callback
FiniIdentifySimulatedClient callback
FreeAllUploadRows callback
GetDownloadApplyTime callback
GetNumRows callback
GetNumUploadTables callback
GetRow callback
GetUploadTable callback
GetUploadTransaction callback
GlobalFini callback
GlobalInit callback
IdentifySimulatedClient callback
ReportEndOfReplay callback