Request statistics

These statistics describe the database server activity devoted to responding to requests from client applications.

Statistic Scope Description
Cursors Connection, database, and server Shows the number of declared cursors currently maintained by the database server.
Cursors Open Connection, database, and server Shows the number of open cursors currently maintained by the database server.
Lock Count Connection and database Shows the number of locks.
Requests/sec Server Shows the rate at which the database server is entered to allow it to handle a new request or continue processing an existing request.
Requests: Active Server Shows the number of database server threads that are currently handling a request.
Tasks: Exchange Server Shows the number of database server threads that are currently being used for parallel execution of a query.
Requests: Unscheduled Server Shows the number of requests that are currently queued up waiting for an available database server thread.
Snapshot Count Connection and database Shows the number of active snapshots.
Statement Cache Hits Connection, database, and server Shows the rate at which statement prepares cached by the client are being re-used by the database server.
Statement Cache Misses Connection, database, and server Shows the rate at which statement prepares cached by the client need to be prepared again by the database server.
Statement Prepares Connection and database Shows the rate at which statement prepares are being handled by the database server.
Statements Connection, database, and server Shows the number of prepared statements currently maintained by the database server.
Transaction Commits Connection, database, and server Shows the rate at which Commit requests are handled.
Transaction Rollbacks Connection, database, and server Shows the rate at which Rollback requests are handled.