Installing jConnect system objects into a database

If you want to use jConnect to access system table information (database metadata), you must add the jConnect system objects to your database.

You can add the jConnect system objects to the database when creating the database or at a later time by upgrading the database. You can upgrade a database from Sybase Central or by using the dbupgrad utility.


Do not add jConnect system objects to your Windows Mobile database.


You should always back up your database files before upgrading. If you apply the upgrade to the existing files, then these files become unusable if the upgrade fails.

 Add jConnect system objects to a database (Sybase Central)
  1. Connect to the database from Sybase Central as a user with DBA authority.

  2. Click Tools » SQL Anywhere 12 and then click Upgrade Database.

  3. Follow the instructions in the Upgrade Database Wizard.

 Add jConnect system objects to a database (dbupgrad)
  • At a command prompt, run the following command:

    dbupgrad -c "connection-string"

    In this command, connection-string is a suitable connection string that enables access to a database and server as a user with DBA authority.

 See also