Materialized View Properties window: General tab

This tab has the following components:

  • Name   Shows the name of the materialized view.

  • Type   Shows the type of view.

  • Owner   Shows the database user who owns the view.

  • Dbspace   Shows the database file (or dbspace) where the view is located.

  • Status   Shows the status of the view. See Materialized view statuses and properties.

The following values are supported:

  • Valid   The view is available for use by the database server. This status is synonymous with the ENABLED clause in the ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW statement. That is, if you enable a view, the status changes to Valid. See Materialized view statuses.

  • Disabled   The view has been explicitly disabled by the user. To enable the view and turn its status to Valid, click Recompile and Enable Now. See Materialized view statuses.

  • Recompile and Enable Now   Click to recompile and enable the view, making it available for use. Afterward, click Refresh Now to refresh the view, and then rebuild the indexes. If necessary, change the view back to an immediate view. See Enable and disable materialized views.

  • Disable Now   Click to disable the view. When you disable a materialized view, the data and indexes for the view are dropped. Also, when you disable an immediate view, it is changed to a manual view. The database server keeps the definition of the materialized view in the database.

Regular views that are dependent on a materialized view are automatically disabled by the database server if the view is disabled. See Enable and disable materialized views.

  • Used in optimization   Select this option to indicate whether the materialized view can be used by the optimizer. The optimizer ignores disabled views. If you disable the view, the Used In Optimization option remains selected, so that when you re-enable the view, its setting is remembered. See Improving performance with materialized views.

  • Initialized   Shows whether the view is initialized. You must initialize a materialized view to make it available for use by the database server. To initialize the view, click Refresh Now.

  • Refresh Now   Click to refresh the view; you are prompted to specify the type of refresh to perform. See REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW statement.

  • Truncate Now   Click to delete all the rows in the view and to change the state to uninitialized. See TRUNCATE statement.

  • Refresh type   Specifies whether the view is a manual view or an immediate view. The default is Manual.

  • Manual   You must refresh this view manually. Data in manual views can become stale because manual views are not refreshed until a refresh is explicitly requested. See Manual and immediate materialized views.

    Select this option to convert an immediate view to a manual view.

  • Immediate   The database server automatically refreshes this view immediately after changes to underlying data impact data in the view. When you disable an immediate view, it is changed to a manual view. When you re-enable it, you must change it back to an immediate view. See Manual and immediate materialized views.

    To change a manual view to an immediate view, see Change a manual view to an immediate view.

  • Last refresh time   Shows the date and time that the view was last refreshed.

  • Known stale time   Shows the time at which the view became known as stale. This property only applies to manual views and corresponds to the time that a change was made to an underlying base table.

  • Comment   Provides a place for you to type a description of the view. For example, you could use this area to describe the view's purpose in the system. If you use the Database Documentation Wizard to document your SQL Anywhere database, you can include these comments in the output. See Documenting a database.

 See also