Materialized view statuses and properties

Materialized views are characterized by a combination of their status and properties. The status of a materialized view reflects the availability of the view for use by the database server. The properties of a materialized view reflect the state of the data within the view.

The best way to determine the status and properties of existing materialized views is to use the sa_materialized_view_info system procedure. See sa_materialized_view_info system procedure.

You can also view information about materialized views by choosing the Views folder in Sybase Central and examining the details provided for the individual views, or by querying the SYSTAB and SYSVIEW system views. See SYSTAB system view, and SYSVIEW system view.

 Materialized view statuses
 Materialized view properties
 Status and property changes when altering, refreshing, and truncating a materialized view
 See also