Getting started resources

The following is a list of introductory materials and tutorials for the database and data exchange technologies.

  • SQL Anywhere Server   See Getting started with SQL Anywhere Server.

    This section walks you through several tutorials related to connecting to, and administering, SQL Anywhere Server databases.

  • UltraLite   See UltraLite CustDB samples.

    This section uses the UltraLite sample database (custdb.db) to demonstrate:

    • Logging in and populating an UltraLite remote database
    • Using a client application
    • Synchronizing an UltraLite database with a consolidated database
    • Browsing MobiLink synchronization scripts

  • MobiLink   See MobiLink - Getting Started.

    This book introduces MobiLink and contains numerous tutorials to guide you through the process of setting up a synchronization system that uses SQL Anywhere databases.

  • QAnywhere   See Quick start to QAnywhere.

    This section provides an overview of the tasks required to set up and run QAnywhere messaging.

  • SQL Remote   See Introducing SQL Remote.

    This section introduces SQL Remote and describes how to set up a simple SQL Remote replication system using Sybase Central.

  • Relay Server   See Relay Server.

    This book explains how to set up and use the Relay Server.

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