Upgrade quick start

For previous users of the software, the following steps summarize the process for rebuilding your database to version 12.

 To rebuild a database (command line)
  1. Back up the database. For example:

    dbbackup -c "DBF=mydb.db;UID=DBA;PWD=sql" old-db-backup-dir

    For more information, see Backup quick start.

  2. If possible, defragment the drive where the new database will be stored because a fragmented drive can decrease database performance.

  3. Shut down all SQL Anywhere database servers because the version 12 dbunload utility cannot be used against a database that is running on a previous version of the database server. For example:

    dbstop -c "DBF=mydb.db;UID=DBA;PWD=sql"
  4. Unload and reload (rebuild) the old database into a new version 12 database. For example:

    dbunload -c "DBF=mydb.db;UID=DBA;PWD=sql" -an mydb12.db
  5. Back up the new database before using it. For example:

    dbbackup -c "DBF=mydb12.db;UID=DBA;PWD=sql" new-db-backup-dir
  6. Validate the new database before using it. For example:

    dbvalid -c "DBF=mydb12.db;UID=DBA;PWD=sql"
 See also