Backup quick start

When you make a backup, you must decide where you want to store the backup files: on the database server computer or on the client computer. You must have BACKUP authority or REMOTE DBA authority to back up the database using the following procedures.

 To make a server-side backup
  • Run a BACKUP DATABASE statement. For example:

    BACKUP DATABASE DIRECTORY 'd:\\temp\\backup';

    This statement creates a backup copy of the database files in the directory d:\temp\backup on the server computer.

    Alternatively, you can run dbbackup with the -s option to create the backup. For example:

    dbbackup -s -c "Host=sample_host;SERVER=myserver;DBN=demo;UID=DBA;PWD=sql" 
 To make a client-side backup
  • Run the Backup utility (dbbackup) on the client computer. For example:

    dbbackup -c "Host=sample_host;SERVER=myserver;DBN=demo;UID=DBA;PWD=sql" "c:\SQLAnybackup"
 See also