Database options

Following is a list of enhancements made to database options in SQL Anywhere version 12.0.0.

  • uuid_has_hypens option   The uuid_has_hyphens controls the formatting of unique identifier values when they are converted to strings. This feature was removed in version 11, but is now reinstated. See uuid_has_hyphens option.

  • blocking_others_timeout option   This option specifies the amount of time that another connection can block on the current connection's row and table locks before the current connection is rolled back. This option can be used to prevent a low priority task from blocking other connections for longer than the specified time. See blocking_others_timeout option.

  • http_connection_pool_basesize option   This option specifies a baseline size for connection pools used by HTTP. See http_connection_pool_basesize option.

  • http_connection_pool_timeout option   This option specifies the maximum duration that an unused connection may be retained within an HTTP connection pool. See http_connection_pool_timeout option.

  • progress_messages option   This option controls whether progress messages are sent from the database server to the client. You can set this option as a temporary option for the utility database. See progress_messages option, and Allowed statements for the utility database.

    By default Interactive SQL shows the progress messages in the Messages pane. You can also set the SQL Anywhere database option progress_messages by choosing Tools » Options » SQL Anywhere » Commands and selecting Show Progress Messages. When selected, this option sets the database progress_messages option to Formatted. When cleared the database progress_messages option is set to Off. By default, the Show Progress Messages option is selected.

  • timestamp_with_time_zone_format option   This option controls how TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE values are converted to strings. See timestamp_with_time_zone_format option.

  • reserved_keywords option   This option turns on individual keywords. See reserved_keywords option.

  • st_geometry_asbinary_format option   Controls how spatial values are converted from a geometry to binary. See st_geometry_asbinary_format option.

  • st_geometry_astext_format option   Controls how spatial values are converted from a geometry to text. See st_geometry_astext_format option.

  • st_geometry_asxml_format option   Controls how spatial values are converted from a geometry to XML. See st_geometry_asxml_format option.

  • st_geometry_describe_type option   Controls how spatial values are described. See st_geometry_describe_type option.

  • st_geometry_on_invalid option   Controls the behavior when a geometry fails basic validation. See st_geometry_on_invalid option.