Controls whether progress messages are sent from the database server to the client.
Off Progress messages are not sent to the client.
Raw When Raw is selected, the following format is used for progress messages:
43;9728;22230;pages;5025;6138 |
Raw progress messages have six fields separated by semicolons that are defined as follows:
Field 1 The percentage of statement executed.
Field 2 The number of completed pages, rows, or bytes.
Field 3 The number of pages, rows, or bytes to be processed.
Field 4 What is being processed: pages, rows, or bytes.
Field 5 The current elapsed time displayed in milliseconds.
Field 6 The estimated time in milliseconds remaining to complete the execution of the statement.
Formatted When Formatted is selected, the following format is used for progress messages:
43% (9728 of 22230 pages) complete after 00:00:05; estimated 00:00:06 remaining |
Formatted progress messages are localized, and the time format is HH:MM:SS. Units less than 100 KB are displayed in bytes, units less than 100 MB are displayed in KB, and units greater than 100 MB are displayed in MB.
Progress messages are sent at intervals that are 5% of the total estimated duration of the statement. Typically, the estimate is completed and the first progress message is sent within 10 seconds. Additional progress messages are sent in intervals of 30 seconds to 5 minutes. If the percentage complete is identical to the value sent in a previous message, an updated progress message is not sent until more than 5 minutes have elapsed since the last message was sent. Progress messages are not sent for statements that take less than 30 seconds to execute.
Estimates are recalculated continually; the accuracy of the remaining time estimate increases as the operation progresses. During events such as backups, the total number of pages may be adjusted during statement execution, so the percent complete and remaining time estimates change. With statements such as BACKUP ... WITH CHECKPOINT COPY or UNLOAD SELECT the total number of affected pages or rows is unknown and it is possible for the percentage complete value to be greater than 100%. As a result, the estimated remaining time cannot be calculated and it is not included in the progress message.
The following statements and procedures support progress messages:
You can set the progress_messages option when you are connected to the utility database using the SET TEMPORARY OPTION statement. See SET OPTION statement, and Allowed statements for the utility database.
You can also sets the progress_messages option in Interactive SQL by choosing Tools » Options » SQL Anywhere » Commands and selecting Show Progress Options. When Show Progress Options is selected, the progress_messages option is set to Formatted.
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