
A resource is a SQL Anywhere database, a MobiLink server, a MobiLink Server Farm, or a Relay Server farm. As an administrator, you add resources to the Monitor, and then you start monitoring them.

Monitoring of a resource starts:

  • Automatically when the Monitor starts. When you start the Monitor, by default, it connects to the resources and collects metrics for all resources in the Monitor.

  • Automatically when an administrator adds a resource. After a resource is added, the Monitor attempts to connect to the resource and starts monitoring it. See Add resources.

  • Automatically at the end of a blackout period. The Monitor automatically attempts to connect to the resource and resume monitoring.

  • When an administrator opens the Administration window, clicks Resources, selects a resource from the list, and clicks Start.

 SQL Anywhere Monitor resource
 See also

Add resources
Add multiple resources
Stop monitoring resources
Remove resources